3-6 Jul 2025 / Alexander-Technique intensive, Schloss Bröllin

Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon! The ATCB Alexander Technique Centre Berlin invites other AT training schools from all over Europe + Israel and Great Britain. This intensive is also open to guests.

29 May-1 Jun 2025 Barnin, CI Practice Retreat with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

Contact Improvisation Practice Retreat Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon! We are doing it again! After a wonderful first retreat in 2024 we are happy to be back at this wonderful place.  

26 Feb-2 Mar 2025 Berlin / Winter Intensive with Joerg Hassmann

Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon!   TIMES 26.2.-2.3.2025 FEE XXX EUR (sliding scale) INFO & REGISTRATION [email protected] LOCATION EDEN***** Studios Breite Strasse 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow Visit…

Nov/Dec 2024 Berlin / Dich Einsammeln, Collecting yourself

Dich Einsammeln Collecting yourself As fall approaches, I wanted to create an opportunity for inward reflection, for collecting and harvesting, and for preparing for the darker season ahead. You can take some of the ideas, practices, and…

22-27 Oct 2024 Hamburg / Nordtanzfestival

Nordtanzfestival Amidst a cozy & caring festival atmosphere, we create a relaxed learning space for 110 experienced and beginning CI dancers. Over 6 days we'll meet in the west of Hamburg to deepen Contact Improvisation techniques in…

3-6 Oct 2024 Freiburg / CI Herbst Jam

Contact Improvisations HerbstJam in Freiburg From Thr 3.-Sun 6. Oct 2024 at Studio ProArte I am very happy already to be dancing a lot during this jam 😉 I will also give a tuning in at the beginning of one of the jam slots. Find all…

12-18 Aug 2024 Berlin / RESPONDING with DELAY vs RESPONDING with INTUITION with Joerg Hassmann

RESPONDING with DELAY vs RESPONDING with INTUITION I wonder how these two modes of depth and connection go together: On the one hand it is a game changer if I allow myself to properly arrive, land and connect to what is there before I respond…

Mar 2024 Dresden / Deep Listening, CI Workshop with Dino Spiri

Deep Listening Ready ... to be ready ... to be ready 9. März 2024, Physiotherapie 101, Dresden  Ich bin fasziniert von den Qualitäten, die sich im Körper zeigen, wenn ich mir Zeit gebe. Indem ich meine Aufmerksamkeit zur Wahrnehmung…

Feb 2024 Berlin / Beyond Backspace, CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

Beyond Backspace 24 & 25 February 2024, Studio 2 Mime Centrum Berlin - with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri This workshop is an invitation to lean into the unknown, to gently stretch your comfort zone and to possibly discover something…

Jan 2024 Berlin / Stability, Change & Flow with Joerg Hassmann

Contact Improvisation Winter Intensive with Joerg Hassmann 2-5 January 2024, Somatische Akademie, Berlin It has been four years since my last Winter Intensive. So much has happened since then. I moved to Australia, Covid came, the Ukraine…

Sep 2023 Hamburg / CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

FLOW & CONNECTIONS Technische Grundlagen der Tanzform, Contact Improvisation Workshop 23. & 24.09.2023 mit Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/1621123068369512/In diesem zweitägigen…

Aug 2023 Schönsee / Touch & Play

I am happy to be teaching one of the intensives at this year's Touch & Play gathering in Germany! Balance – Approaching a moving target Intensive @Touch & Play 27 Aug- 2 Sep 2023, Nature Community, Schönsee In order to…

May 2023 Berlin / Fluidity & Structure

FLUIDITY & STRUCTURE CI Spring Intensive with Joerg Hassmann 8-12 May 2023, Eden***** Studios, Berlin What is it that creates the flow in dancing together, the openness of body and mind to follow the obvious or the unpredictable in…

April 2023 Ponderosa Stolzenhagen / SPRING JAM

SPRING JAM @Ponderosa 21-23 April 2023, Ponderosa Stolzenhagen - hosted by Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri All information and registration: https://spiridino.wixsite.com/spring-jam-2023 The Spring Jam invites dedicated…

Feb 2023 Berlin / CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

DIFFERENT STATES - CI Workshop Changing and influencing our perception 24-26 Februar 2023 with Angela-Mara Florant and Dino Spiri We would like to dedicate this workshop to observing and playing with different states in our dance. States…

Sep 2022 Hamburg / CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

CI Workshop mit Angela-Mara Florant und Dino Spiri Wir, Angela-Mara und Dino, kennen uns schon seit einigen Jahren und sind uns immer mal wieder begegnet auf Festivals oder Workshops. Im März 2020 haben wir einige Wochen auf dem CI Festival…

July 2022 Berlin / Elasticity & Suspension

Elasticity & Suspensiom Contact Improvisation Intensive with Joerg Hassmann 7-10 July 2022, Berlin There is this quality in the body, in dance, in life: a juicy power, resulting from connection, with patience yet without hesitation,…

Feb 2021 Hamburg / Zurück zu Berührung und Tanz

CI Workshop mit Angela-Mara Florant und Dino Spiri Wie sieht wohl ein erster CI Workshop nach Covid-19 aus und vor allem - wie fühlt er*es sich an? Nachdem wir mit monatelangen Einschränkungen des persönlichen Kontaktes gelebt haben und…

CANCELLED > >> May 2020 / Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival

I am teaching a class at the Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival. More information will be soon online here.  


I am teaching a workshop at the Easter STRETCH Festival. More information will be soon online here.  

Mar 2020 / Contact Festival & Camp Fuerteventura

12th Contact Festival & Camp Fuerteventura 2020 Festival 7.-13. März 2020 Contact Camp 29.2.-17.3.2020 I will teach a class at this wonderful Festival. Highly recommended if your Berlin Winter feels a tiny bit too long... 😉 Pre…

Jan – Mar 2020 / Contact Improvisation Winterserie II

Contact Improvisation Winterserie II with Dino Spiri facebook Winterserie II | 30. Jan – 19. Mar Thursdays 8 – 10 pm Teaching languages: German and Englisch 8 classes 104 € EARLY BIRD until 30. Jan > 80 € Drop in class…

January 2020 / Joerg Hassmann CI Winter Intensive

Layers of ConnectednessContact Improvisation Winter Intensive with Joerg Hassmann2-6 January 2020, BerlinfacebookI would like to use this restful, re-charging, and re-setting moment of the yearly cycle to tune into all that is being moved, connected…

Nov 2019 – Jan 2020 / Contact Improvisation Winterserie I

Contact Improvisation Winterserie I mit Christine Mauch & Dino Spiri Als Teil der fünf CI Kurse im Jahreszyklus der Somatischen Akademie freue ich mich besonders die Winterserie I zusammen mit Christine Mauch unterrichten zu dürfen! facebook Winterserie…

August & September 2019 / bewegen | improvisieren

bewegen | improvisieren Workshops mit Christine Mauch & Dino Spiri FACEBOOK 11. August - Meeting is a movement (Natanja den Boeft) 8. September - Meditations on the sensory world (Bruce Fertman) Innehalten. Bewegen. Ankommen,…

August 2019 – Joerg Hassmann CI Summer Intensive

It is already the 8th edition of Joerg's Summer Intensive. Always a highlight for me! Consider joining us! Contact TECHNIQUE & Contact IMPROVISATION What keeps the dance fresh, once we notice that improvising mainly means to repeat…

July – September 2019 / CI Sommerserie

—deutscher Text weiter unten— Contact Improvisation Thursdays 20h-22h 4.7.-5.9.2019 Dino Spiri & guest teachers Somatische Akademie Berlin Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30/1.HH/4.OG 10999 Berlin Series with 10 classes 100 € (early-bird…

May 2019 – Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival

May 29 - June 2 Münchener Straße 10777 Berlin Deutschland Registration is OPEN! www.in-touch.es facebook event We warmly welcome you to the 8th edition of the Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival! INTENSIVES with Katja Mustonen…

January – March 2019 / CI Winterserie!

---deutscher Text weiter unten--- Contact Improvisation Thursdays 20h-22h 31.1.-14.3.2019 Nina Wehnert & Mario Ghezzi & Dino Spiri Somatische Akademie Berlin Successively built classes allow an easeful exploration on weight,…

November 2018 / ‘The Art of Living, Loving and Letting go’

This is the workshop of one of my beloved teachers that I have been working with since almost 15 years! Highly recommend + I'll be there, too 😉 --- A beyond duality retreat with Yoyo in Samos (Greece), 2-11 November 2018 (Voor Nederlands…

September 2018 / Tagesworkshop

Im bestmöglichen Kontext Ein Tagesworkshop mit Christine Mauch & Dino Spiri FB https://www.facebook.com/events/407678763092657/ Auf der Basis von großzügigen Räumen für stimmiges Ankommen und Dasein in Stille, Bewegen und…

July-August 2018 / Contact meets Contemporary Festival

July 30 - August 5 Göttingen, Germany Intensives: Nina Wehnert - The Mystery of Potential // Body-Mind Centering® into Dancing Anya Cloud - The Disorientation/Orientation of Softening into the Space Paolo Cingolani - The Sense of Time…

July-August 2018 / CI Sommerserie!

5.Juli - 30. August Contact Improvisation Sommerserie: 9 Termine mit Nadja Schwarzenbach, Dino Spiri, Jörg Hassmann, Gesine Daniels, Anir Leben, Diana Thielen und weiteren Berliner CI Lehrer_innen! Auch in diesem Sommer werden wir wieder…

June 2018 / Keep it Simple – AT Workshop

Sunday 24.6.2018 6:30-8:30 pm Zentrum für Alexander-Technik, Auguststr. 65, Berlin-Mitte €35 Bookings: [email protected] More info: www.carstengolbeck.de www.davidyoung.de www.dinospiri.com   ***Deutsche Version…

June 2018 / Alexander Technique Salon #3

Tuesday 19.6.2018, 7pm-9pm Hermannstr 32, Neukölln By donation (€15-50) Bookings essential ([email protected], [email protected]) Join this easy-going opportunity to experience the wonderful world of Alexander Technique and…

Mai 2018 / Alexander Technique Salon #2

Saturday 19.5.2018, 10am-12pm Berliner Allee 112, 13088 Berlin By donation (€15-50) Bookings essential ([email protected], [email protected]) Join this easy-going opportunity to experience the wonderful world of Alexander Technique…

May 2018 / Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival

Intensives: Kira Kirsch - Axis Syllybus - Breathing Body Joerg Hassmann - CI Technique and Impro / Lightness and Fullness Classes: Vega Luukkonen, Daniel Werner, Iiris Raipala, Barbara Berti, Lena Peled, Nadja El Eid, Bernd Knappe, Dino…

April 2018 / Alexander Technique Salon

Saturday 28.4.2018, 10am-12pm Hermannstr 32, Neukölln By donation (€5-25) Bookings essential ([email protected], [email protected]) Join this easy-going opportunity to experience the wonderful world of Alexander Technique…

Qualities of Touch 2018 / workshop series with Dino Spiri & guests

***deutsche Ausschreibung weiter unten*** Qualities of Touch 2018 Well-being through Touch and Movement Workshops on 5 Sundays with wonderful people / March-July Inspired by two workshops that I taught together with Susanne Feld in…

April 2018 / Moving Water, CI Workshop with Marielle & Dino

***deutsche Ausschreibung weiter unten*** Moving Water Between Motion & Stillness CI Workshop with Marielle Gerke & Dino Spiri April 20-22, Berlin This workshop offers the possibility to combine two days of studio time with…

Feb, Mar 2018 / Touch moves! 8x Hands On Practice & CI

***english description below*** Touch moves! 8x Hands On Practice & Contact Improvisation / 6 February - 27 March 2018 mit Dino Spiri FB https://www.facebook.com/events/770318253156041 Ich liebe es einen sich bewegenden Körper…

New Years CI Festival Berlin 2017/18

I am happy to be invited again to teach at the New Years Contact Improvisation Festival Berlin 2017/18 Contact Improvisation, Somatic Practices, Watercontact, Bodywork & Yoga with Naama Ityel, Michael Shapira, Mario Ghezzi , Nadja…

December 11 / December Island

Unter dem Titel  "December Island" geht es uns um ein geräumiges Ankommen bei sich selbst und einem stimmigen Bezug zu unserer Umgebung. Mit Stille, Bewegung und Berührung und einer möglichst aufrichtigen Auseinandersetzung damit, was uns…

November 16 / Qualities of Touch #2

Qualities of Touch #2 - Swimming under the skin Revealing well-being through touch and movement Touching someone is so simple and so incredibly complex. We are constantly negotiating a give and take, proposing actions, listening to and acting…