May 2023 Berlin / Fluidity & Structure

CI Spring Intensive with Joerg Hassmann
8-12 May 2023, Eden***** Studios, Berlin

What is it that creates the flow in dancing together, the openness of body and mind to follow the obvious or the unpredictable in each moment?
After 25 years of teaching this dance form, I still feel the mystery and magic around this question. My body knows it through experience. My mind thinks that getting the body in a fluid state is an essential part of the magic. At the same time, we need the embodied knowledge of our bony structure to offer or read support, knowing intuitively when we can trust.
Fluidity and structure feel sometimes very far away from each other – not only in the dance. Whilst acknowledging the weight-bearing potential of our skeleton, we will also explore the elastic nature of our fascia as a support for both fluidity and structure.

Additionally, we will spice up our dancing by daring to go against the flow, inviting challenge & surprise, embracing stuckness as moments to deepen connections, and finding more choices.
Somatic solo and hands-on work will set the ground. And we will dance as much as possible to let the bodies integrate the given material and to allow connections to emerge on all possible levels.

Participants should be quite familiar with Contact Improvisation technique, which will be our common language for this Intensive. In case of doubt, check in with us.

Monday-Friday 10-17 (90 min lunch break)

440-290 EUR (sliding scale)

[email protected]

EDEN***** Studios
Breite Strasse 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow

Visit Joerg’s homepage & blog

Foto by Ralf Hiemisch