Alexander Technique lessons
I encountered the Alexander Technique while I was studying jazz music in Arnhem (Netherlands). I had serious physical issues: chronic pain in my back, in my arms, and a lot of painful tension around my shoulders, neck, and head. I tried many different things in search of relief—yoga classes, sports, various types of massage, etc. All of these approaches helped somewhat, but I was missing a change on a more fundamental level, without even knowing it at the time.
The university also has a dance department, and I consider myself very lucky to have had Eva Karczag as my first Alexander Technique teacher. I was blown away by how my body felt after each lesson with Eva: pain-free, lighter, and there was a sense of inner connectedness and ease. This was so fascinating to me that I wanted to learn how to access that state myself. I decided to move to Berlin in 2010 to follow the Alexander Technique teacher training course at the School for Alexander Technique Berlin, led by Dan Armon—now ATCB Alexander Technique Centre Berlin, led by Jonathan Sheratte. The rest is history, as they say. Those three years were intense, mostly very beautiful, sometimes very challenging, and always interesting. My painful symptoms surprisingly quickly faded away as my system started to sort itself out, the pain-causing chronic tensions dissolved, and I began to grasp the potential for true change through this work.
What is the Alexander Technique about?
After 13 years of doing this, my essential takeaways are that the Alexander Technique is about a body-felt learning and understanding of one’s anatomy. The technique is about the ability to inhibit (or to stop or to come to quiet) and is essentially about freedom. Big words, I know.
To learn some basics about human anatomy can be incredibly helpful and supportive for one’s well-being. Through a combination of rediscovering how to sense yourself, learning to place your awareness, directional thinking, and the feedback through the teacher’s hands, one can touch that space of freedom, ease, and un-doing. From this space, true reorganization in one’s system happens by itself.
This place or space or quality of being, where we come to quiet, is a most natural state, yet many of us have forgotten, for all kinds of different reasons, how to be in contact with this quality. I have always loved this about the Alexander Technique. It is essentially an unlearning process, an unraveling of situations and places in our system where we exert too much effort, where we hold and strain and push, often without being aware of the excess tension(s). Those situations and places can be found on any plane—physically, mentally, energetically, and others. It is much like shining a light on a tight spot, a place of tension, investigating that spot from various angles, being with it while applying the principles of the technique, and thus creating circumstances or a foundation for a shift, a movement, a reorganization to something better, something more aligned with who one is.
Read more about the origins of the technique here.
The Alexander Technique is for you:
- if you wish to feel more comfortable in your daily activities
- if you have physical symptoms like backache, stiff and possibly painful shoulders and neck, migraines
- if you wish to learn more about your potential and capacity for self-regulation and improve your sensory awareness
I recommend a minimum of five lessons to get a first introduction to the technique. If this feels like too much of a commitment, you can book one lesson only and see if there is a resonance and an interest to continue.
- One lesson lasts 50 minutes and is priced at 60.00 Euros
- Five lessons are priced at 270.00 Euros (30.00 Euros reduced)
- Ten lessons are priced at 540.00 Euros (60.00 Euros reduced)
Book a lesson now
+49 176 2337 7089
[email protected]
- Lessons take place at Praxis am Viktoriapark – Katzbachstr. 14, 10965 XBerg.
- Lessons can be given in German, English, or Dutch.
- If money is an issue, please talk to me.
Please note: The cancellation of a lesson is free of charge until 48h prior to the scheduled time. If you cancel after, the full fee applies.