Entries by Dino Spiri

Mar 2024 Dresden / Deep Listening, CI Workshop with Dino Spiri

Deep Listening Ready … to be ready … to be ready 9. März 2024, Physiotherapie 101, Dresden  Ich bin fasziniert von den Qualitäten, die sich im Körper zeigen, wenn ich mir Zeit gebe. Indem ich meine Aufmerksamkeit zur Wahrnehmung bringe, indem ich spüre, wie Atmen passiert, indem ich den Kontakt zum Sofa wahrnehme, auf dem ich […]

Jan 2024 Berlin / Stability, Change & Flow with Joerg Hassmann

Contact Improvisation Winter Intensive with Joerg Hassmann 2-5 January 2024, Somatische Akademie, Berlin It has been four years since my last Winter Intensive. So much has happened since then. I moved to Australia, Covid came, the Ukraine war, droughts and floods … Global changes have affected my private life more than ever before and accompanied […]

Sep 2023 Hamburg / CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

FLOW & CONNECTIONS Technische Grundlagen der Tanzform, Contact Improvisation Workshop 23. & 24.09.2023 mit Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/1621123068369512/In diesem zweitägigen Workshop beschäftigen wir uns mit  grundlegenden Prinzipien der Contact Improvisation. Gewicht geben, Gewicht nehmen, lehnen, Bewegung durch den Raum mit geteiltem Gewicht, Ebenenwechsel im Solo und mit Partner:in… Das spielerische Erkunden und Üben […]

Aug 2023 Schönsee / Touch & Play

I am happy to be teaching one of the intensives at this year’s Touch & Play gathering in Germany! Balance – Approaching a moving target Intensive @Touch & Play 27 Aug- 2 Sep 2023, Nature Community, Schönsee In order to playfully explore anything beyond or outside one’s own bodily and mental structures, a strong, unshakable […]

May 2023 Berlin / Fluidity & Structure

FLUIDITY & STRUCTURE CI Spring Intensive with Joerg Hassmann 8-12 May 2023, Eden***** Studios, Berlin What is it that creates the flow in dancing together, the openness of body and mind to follow the obvious or the unpredictable in each moment? After 25 years of teaching this dance form, I still feel the mystery and […]

April 2023 Ponderosa Stolzenhagen / SPRING JAM

SPRING JAM @Ponderosa 21-23 April 2023, Ponderosa Stolzenhagen – hosted by Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri All information and registration: https://spiridino.wixsite.com/spring-jam-2023 The Spring Jam invites dedicated dancers to come together to practice Contact Improvisation and to share community living. We provide a structure for jamming & give a clear frame/input for every Jam. Additionally, we […]

Feb 2023 Berlin / CI Workshop with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

DIFFERENT STATES – CI Workshop Changing and influencing our perception 24-26 Februar 2023 with Angela-Mara Florant and Dino Spiri We would like to dedicate this workshop to observing and playing with different states in our dance. States influence our mood, the contact with our dance partner(s), and the quality of the dance. Our individual states […]