Entries by Dino Spiri

August 2019 – Joerg Hassmann CI Summer Intensive

It is already the 8th edition of Joerg’s Summer Intensive. Always a highlight for me! Consider joining us! Contact TECHNIQUE & Contact IMPROVISATION What keeps the dance fresh, once we notice that improvising mainly means to repeat the same movements over and over again, just in a different order? There is a technical aspect to […]

July – September 2019 / CI Sommerserie

—deutscher Text weiter unten— Contact Improvisation Thursdays 20h-22h 4.7.-5.9.2019 Dino Spiri & guest teachers Somatische Akademie Berlin Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30/1.HH/4.OG 10999 Berlin Series with 10 classes 100 € (early-bird until 4.7.) 130 € (after 4.7.) drop-in 15 € Registration is already possible. Write to: [email protected] — Contact Improvisation Summer Series: 10 classes with Dino Spiri & […]

May 2019 – Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival

May 29 – June 2 Münchener Straße 10777 Berlin Deutschland Registration is OPEN! www.in-touch.es facebook event We warmly welcome you to the 8th edition of the Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival! INTENSIVES with Katja Mustonen and Vega Luukkonen & Hugh Stanier CLASSES with Iiris Raipala, Natalia Onisk, Elske Seidel, Filippo Serra, Bernd Knappe, Daniel Werner, Katja-Bahini […]

January – March 2019 / CI Winterserie!

—deutscher Text weiter unten— Contact Improvisation Thursdays 20h-22h 31.1.-14.3.2019 Nina Wehnert & Mario Ghezzi & Dino Spiri Somatische Akademie Berlin Successively built classes allow an easeful exploration on weight, balance, falling, smaller and bigger lifts. We will explore rolling, surfing, gliding among other fun principles of CI. With finest awareness we will dive into fundamental […]

November 2018 / ‘The Art of Living, Loving and Letting go’

This is the workshop of one of my beloved teachers that I have been working with since almost 15 years! Highly recommend + I’ll be there, too 😉 — A beyond duality retreat with Yoyo in Samos (Greece), 2-11 November 2018 (Voor Nederlands zie onderaan). FB https://www.facebook.com/events/241484379976663/ www.yoyo.nl Why would I…? If you want to give […]

September 2018 / Tagesworkshop

Im bestmöglichen Kontext Ein Tagesworkshop mit Christine Mauch & Dino Spiri FB https://www.facebook.com/events/407678763092657/ Auf der Basis von großzügigen Räumen für stimmiges Ankommen und Dasein in Stille, Bewegen und Berühren werden wir uns den folgenden Themen widmen: Wir erkunden, wie Spannung, Verbindung und Beziehung zusammenhängen. Die „richtige“, zweckdienliche Spannung in verschiedensten Körperstrukturen schafft Verbindung im eigenen Körper, […]

July-August 2018 / Contact meets Contemporary Festival

July 30 – August 5 Göttingen, Germany Intensives: Nina Wehnert – The Mystery of Potential // Body-Mind Centering® into Dancing Anya Cloud – The Disorientation/Orientation of Softening into the Space Paolo Cingolani – The Sense of Time in Improvisation ‘contact meets contemporary’ wants to inform, support and inspire Contact Improvisation by the knowledge of other […]

July-August 2018 / CI Sommerserie!

5.Juli – 30. August Contact Improvisation Sommerserie: 9 Termine mit Nadja Schwarzenbach, Dino Spiri, Jörg Hassmann, Gesine Daniels, Anir Leben, Diana Thielen und weiteren Berliner CI Lehrer_innen! Auch in diesem Sommer werden wir wieder einen durchgehenden Kurs in der Somatischen Akademie anbieten. Wie im vergangenen Jahr laden wir verschiedene Berliner CI Lehrer_innen ein. So kommt […]

June 2018 / Keep it Simple – AT Workshop

Sunday 24.6.2018 6:30-8:30 pm Zentrum für Alexander-Technik, Auguststr. 65, Berlin-Mitte €35 Bookings: [email protected] More info: www.carstengolbeck.de www.davidyoung.de www.dinospiri.com   ***Deutsche Version weiter unten*** Life can be complicated. Probably there is no escaping complexity altogether but we can work on our responses to it. Over a period of two hours, you will be guided through a […]

June 2018 / Alexander Technique Salon #3

Tuesday 19.6.2018, 7pm-9pm Hermannstr 32, Neukölln By donation (€15-50) Bookings essential ([email protected], [email protected]) Join this easy-going opportunity to experience the wonderful world of Alexander Technique and find out what this work has to offer. During a relaxed two hours in a living room atmosphere, with a maximum of four participants, the salon includes some group […]