May 2019 – Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival

May 29 – June 2

Münchener Straße
10777 Berlin

Registration is OPEN!

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We warmly welcome you to the 8th edition of the Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival!

INTENSIVES with Katja Mustonen and Vega Luukkonen & Hugh Stanier

CLASSES with Iiris Raipala, Natalia Onisk, Elske Seidel, Filippo Serra, Bernd Knappe, Daniel Werner, Katja-Bahini Mangold, Sophia Steinbach, Zuza Bukowski, Maria Rutanen, Nicole Bindler
and more…

A Festival in the middle of the city working with experiential somatic disciplines and Contact Improvisation in warm water and on the dance floor. The teachers offer skill building intensives, classes & labs. Exploring where movement arises, bringing it into different aspects of dance, improvisation and celebration. And the heart of the festival are our contact impro jams inspired by wonderful live musicians. On Saturday there will be an open Jam – inviting the public.
Early bird price till 1st of May. JOIN US!

Music with Florian Betz and his team Katharina Guhlmann, Luqas Bonewitz and more

Organic, vegetarian food by our fabulous chef Inga Striezel

I will teach a class there as well! This is what we’ll do:

Touch & Movement

One premise of an eventually satisfying CI experience is to properly ‘arrive in your own body’, ‘be centered’ or ‘grounded’ before engaging into movement and touch with others. How can we create a situation where those popular phrases can become a physically felt experience? You can expect a rather slow class during which we use movement and touch as sources of recovery and replenishment.

A particular focus will be on the infamous Alexander- or Non-Doing Touch. This quality of touch can be described as ‚just’ being there, being present with my partner through being present with myself. An amazing place to start from – a gateway for communication is being established that can now be fed with ideas and directions. It is like beginning a conversation with actually listening rather than talking, it is becoming available for what’s there between you and your partner.