Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon!

The ATCB Alexander Technique Centre Berlin invites other AT training schools from all over Europe + Israel and Great Britain. This intensive is also open to guests.

Contact Improvisation Practice Retreat

Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon!

We are doing it again! After a wonderful first retreat in 2024 we are happy to be back at this wonderful place.


Stay tuned for this one! More information will be coming soon!



XXX EUR (sliding scale)
[email protected]

EDEN***** Studios
Breite Strasse 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow

Visit Joerg’s homepage & blog


Amidst a cozy & caring festival atmosphere, we create a relaxed learning space for 110 experienced and beginning CI dancers. Over 6 days we’ll meet in the west of Hamburg to deepen Contact Improvisation techniques in workshops and to improvise together in the jams. More info coming soon, we’re looking forward already!

Find all information on the website of Nordtanzfestival

I will be teaching an intensive during the week:

Intensive With Dino: Curiosity in Motion – An attempt to find nuance and connection

In my dancing, physical sensations are such an important driving force. They serve as a gateway into never-ending movement, into curiosity, into pleasure, and also into tasting some edges of discomfort and friction. I will share some practices that I find helpful to access a place of listening and heightened awareness, out of which playfulness, curiosity, and a hunger for sensing oneself and other bodies through touch and movement seem to arise quite naturally.

Recently, I’ve been inspired by making an effort to share verbally with my dance partner(s) what I actually desire, wish, want, or do not want from this particular meeting, with this particular person, at this particular moment. I do not find it all that easy to find my words for that, yet I find the attempt always very enriching. It often deepens the connection to my partner(s) and makes me engage in a different way. I’d like to weave some structures of verbal sharing and negotiation into what we’ll be doing during the two classes. And don’t worry – you do not need to know or think about in advance what you want or don’t want, but you might gather some insights along the way.

As a base and place to start, we’ll probably use some CI basics: simple yet complex proposals that involve sharing weight, leaning, and listening, while moving through space and levels.

You’ll probably get the most out of these classes if you also feel comfortable moving on your own and if you feel somewhat comfortable with technical aspects of the form, so you’ll have some capacity left to dive into sensing, subtlety, and to negotiate various dynamics with your dance partner(s).

Contact Improvisations HerbstJam in Freiburg

From Thr 3.-Sun 6. Oct 2024 at Studio ProArte

I am very happy already to be dancing a lot during this jam 😉 I will also give a tuning in at the beginning of one of the jam slots.

Find all information on the registration form

or on facebook



I wonder how these two modes of depth and connection go together:
On the one hand it is a game changer if I allow myself to properly arrive, land and connect to what is there before I respond or act. Arriving in the space, the body, the touch. Tapping into the elasticity of body and time, where I can respond with a delay that is nourished by a deeper connection to myself and my surroundings.

Another mode to truthfully respond is instant. We might call it intuition. I respond almost before I know what the offer of the other will become. The magic match, almost reliable coincidences, the lack of any hesitation. It needs a huge permission to get it wrong when we work on it – ease and fun with failure, missing the bus, not meeting each other.

I envision more spaciousness and freedom in our dancing, forgetting what we know, trusting more when it is not obvious what’s going to happen … balanced by detailed explorations in the somatic wonderland, alone and with a supportive bodywork-ish curiosity. Responding with delay is easier to find through touch and shared weight. The intuition mode with instant responses I find easier to get when working without touch. We’ll see how the bodies bring these two different worlds of acting and responding together and live & witness it with delight.

Participants should be very familiar with Contact Improvisation technique, which will be our common language for this Intensive. In case of doubt, check in with us.

Mon-Wed & Fri-Sat 10-17:30 (2 hour lunch break, shorter when it’s raining)
Sunday 10-14
Thursday is free!

560-360 EUR (sliding scale)
[email protected]

EDEN***** Studios
Breite Strasse 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow

Visit Joerg’s homepage & blog

Katja Mustonen & Joerg Hassmann by Alex Zampini

Deep Listening Ready … to be ready … to be ready

9. März 2024, Physiotherapie 101, Dresden 

Ich bin fasziniert von den Qualitäten, die sich im Körper zeigen, wenn ich mir Zeit gebe. Indem ich meine Aufmerksamkeit zur Wahrnehmung bringe, indem ich spüre, wie Atmen passiert, indem ich den Kontakt zum Sofa wahrnehme, auf dem ich gerade sitze während ich diesen Text schreibe, indem ich mir erlaube wirklich zu sehen, was ich sehe, kommt mein System zur Ruhe und öffnet sich einem Entspannungs- und Entschleunigungsprozess. Hieraus in Bewegung und ins Tanzen zu kommen finde ich meist leicht, oftmals inspirierend und befriedigend.

In diesem Workshop möchte ich uns Zeit geben, um in das Universum der Körperwahrnehmung einzutauchen, das uns als unerschöpfliche Quelle für Bewegung und Neugierde zur Verfügung steht. Mithilfe einiger Ideen und Ansätze aus der Alexander-Technik erlauben wir Ausrichtung im Körper in Bezug zu Raum und Partner:in. Diese Orientierung bietet eine sichere Grundlage, um an CI Technik zu forschen, ohne die Anbindung zum Spüren zu verlieren. Ich möchte gerne einige Angebote machen, die mehr Genuss in die etwas spannenderen Situationen im Tanz, wie zB Upside-down Momente oder die Arbeit im Backspace, bringen können.

Vorerfahrung in Contact Improvisation ist hilfreich für diesen Workshop.

Dino Spiri tanzt und unterrichtet CI seit über einem Jahrzehnt. Sein Wissen über den bewegten Körper und sein Unterricht sind stark von der Alexander-Technik (Dino ist zertifizierter Lehrer der Alexander-Technik), Klein Technik, seiner Meditationspraxis und BMC®, und durch die intensive Arbeit mit vielen wunderbaren Lehrer:innen wie Yoyo van der Kooi, Dan Armon, Eva Karczag, Joerg Hassmann, Hanna Hegenscheidt, Friederike Tröscher und Jens Johannsen und Susanne Middendorf beeinflusst.


10.00 – 13.00 // 15.00 – 17.30 Workshop
19.00 – 21.30 Jam

50€ – 90€

Physiotherapie 101
Großenhainerstr 101
01127 Dresden

Beyond Backspace
24 & 25 February 2024, Studio 2 Mime Centrum Berlin – with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri

This workshop is an invitation to lean into the unknown, to gently stretch your comfort zone and to possibly discover something new.

The unknown in the dance is often that which we cannot see, that which is not in our field of vision. One metaphor for the unknown is the space behind us, the backspace. We will spend a lot of time getting to know the backspace by bringing attention to our backside and by activating the space behind us. Our backs are huge, they hold a lot of power and support, yet almost everything in our daily lives is about rushing towards something ahead of us. Also while moving, we often are literally ahead of ourselves and it is not infrequently that we lose a sense of connectedness, first of all within our own system, but also with others and in the dance. An orientation backwards opens up a different plane: it is necessary to sense more, prediction doesn’t work as well, something else has to open so we stay available for the dance. This can feel very grounding, new, exciting and satisfying. Can we find comfort and even a sense of safety by letting our backs lead us into movement and touch? What has changed if we orient ourselves towards the front again, including this support?Revisiting some basic elements of Contact Improvisation technique to create a common ground will be part of this workshop. Once we are tuned in we will play with giving up our sense of orientation as we allow ourselves to get lost in upside-down situations. Letting go of the need to control as we practice to dive under our partner to create surprising possibilities for changing levels and little lifts. Finding comfort in discomfort. Trusting ourselves, trusting our partner/s. Releasing into the backspace!

This workshop is for dancers with some previous experience in Contact Improvisation (approximately one year of regular practice). If you are unsure whether this workshop is for you, please check in with us.


Registration, information & questions:
[email protected]

Saturday 11.00 – 18.00 (including 1.5h lunch break)
Sunday 11.00 – 14.00

Mime Centrum Berlin STUDIO2, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenpl. 2, 10997 Berlin

155 € – 105 € > early bird discount, if payment is received by 15.01.2024
155 € – 130 € > afterwards