Kira Kirsch – Axis Syllybus – Breathing Body
Joerg Hassmann – CI Technique and Impro / Lightness and Fullness

Classes: Vega Luukkonen, Daniel Werner, Iiris Raipala, Barbara Berti, Lena Peled, Nadja El Eid, Bernd Knappe, Dino Spiri, Marielle Gerke, Helena Eflerova, Katja-Bahini Mangold, Zuzanna Bukowski, Samuli Lehesaari, Julia Melnik and more

And of course with Florian Betz & Team for the Music!
Singing Circle: Janne Hanoun
Chill out lounge: Nadja El Eid
Delicious organic vegan/vegetarian food by Inga Striezel.
Incl. AquaticMotion and EcstaticContact Party

Registration is open…
See you there!

Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival 9.- 13. May 2018

We warmly welcome you to the 7th edition of Berlin Contact Improvisation Festival!

Working with experiential somatic disciplines and Contact Improvisation in warm water and on the dance floor. The teachers offer skill building intensives, classes & labs. Discovering where movement arises, bringing it into different aspects of dance, improvisation and celebration. Nightly Contact Impro jams inspired by eclectic live musicians. On Saturday May 12 there will be an EcstaticContact Party into a Jam Celebration – open to the public.


Registration open:

Saturday 28.4.2018, 10am-12pm
Hermannstr 32, Neukölln
By donation (€5-25)
Bookings essential ([email protected], [email protected])

Join this easy-going opportunity to experience the wonderful world of Alexander Technique and find out what this work has to offer.

During a relaxed two hours in a living room atmosphere, with a maximum of four participants, the salon includes some group activities as well as one-on-one Alexander Technique work.

Less pain (migraine, backache, neck pain, etc…)
Inhabiting your body more fully and being more physically present
Calming a busy mind
And much more…

David and Dino are both certified Alexander Technique teachers, colleagues and good friends!

More info: &

***deutsche Ausschreibung weiter unten***

Qualities of Touch 2018
Well-being through Touch and Movement
Workshops on 5 Sundays with wonderful people / March-July

Inspired by two workshops that I taught together with Susanne Feld in 2017, I want to create more opportunities to continue working with smaller groups in more intimate settings. Each day of this series is co-led by one dear friend and colleague from this Dream-Team below and myself. We all work in different fields related to touch and movement.

Whether it be Shiatsu, Osteopathy, Klein Technique, Feldenkrais, Body Mind Centering or The Alexander-Technique – all involve the body/mind and touch as one of our common mediums to communicate. I am incredibly intrigued by and interested in sharing, combining and questioning the differences and similarities between these approaches. How do the various techniques direct your own attention, awareness and presence? How do they expand into touch and movement? Especially the fragile overlaps and disharmonies between the approaches hold a potential for learning.

Each Sunday of this series provides an opportunity to meet, play, communicate, and learn through movement and touch. We will take time to ground ourselves in our own bodies and there will be clear suggestions that guide us into touch and movement alone, with a partner and in a group.

For whom
Anybody who would like to explore touch and small movement in an intimate setting and under qualified guidance.
Professional bodyworkers who are interested in new ideas and inspiration for their own practice.

Shiatsu, Osteopathie, Klein Technik, Feldenkrais, Body Mind Centering und Alexander-Technik – jede dieser Disziplinen erforscht das psycho-physische Selbst in Bewegung und Kommunikation durch und in Berührung. Ich finde es seit vielen Jahren bereichernd mich mit Kolleg*innen über Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten auszutauschen. Wie laden die unterschiedlichen Techniken dazu ein deine Aufmerksamkeit auszurichten und welchen Einfluß hat das auf deine Bewußtheit? Wie wird mit Bewegung und Berührung umgegangen? Besonders das Feld der fragilen (scheinbaren) Disharmonien und unterschiedlichen Ansichtsweisen birgt Lernpotential.

Jeder Sonntag dieser Serie bietet eine Gelegenheit zum Spielen, sich Treffen und Kommunizieren – zum gemeinsamen Lernen durch Bewegung und in Berührung. Wir werden uns Zeit nehmen uns mit unserem eigenen Körper zu verbinden und es wird klare Vorschläge geben, die uns in Berührung und Bewegung führen (alleine, in Partnerarbeit und mit der Gruppe).

Für wen
Die Workshops sind offen für jede*n die/der sich mit Berührung und Bewegung in einer kleineren Gruppe und unter qualifizierter Leitung öffnen möchte.

Professionelle Bodyworker*innen, die ihre eigene Praxis mit neuen Impulsen bereichern möchten.

The Qualities of Touch-Team 2018

Dino Spiri
is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique and since eight years deeply involved in practising and teaching various disciplines of movement and touch. His work is strongly rooted in practices like Klein Technique, BMC, AT and Vipassana meditation and aims to create a bedding for meeting oneself and each other.

Christine Mauch
Christine’s background includes various forms of dance improvisation, as well as being a trained Zen Shiatsu practitioner. Her teaching and practise draws on her intense research and interest in the field of body awareness, and a firm belief and joy in improvisation on all levels of life.

Nina Spiri
Nina studied Innovation Management and her work at the moment involves facilitating ideation processes by means of empathy, creativity and communication. Different body and awareness practices have been part of Nina’s life since many years – BMC being her most recent passion/focus. In 2018 she will be certified as Somatic Movement Educator (BMC) and anticipates to integrate these new impulses in her daily work.

Alicia Grant
Alicia Grant is a choreographer and dancer based in Berlin. She received a BFA in Dance from York University in Toronto, Canada and has studied Osteopathy in both Canada and Europe. Her work in performance, video and installation has been presented from stages to swimming pools to abandoned factories to galleries. She shares why-am-i-alive dance practices at Studio 303 in Montreal, Love-In in Toronto, Ponderosa in Stolzenhagen and TanzFabrik in Berlin. She is interested in power dynamics, transformation, fear and intimacy and investigates these topics through osteopathic raves, negotiation of touch and hypnosis.

Hanna Hegenscheidt
Hanna is a certified teacher of Klein Technique and a Certified Laban-Bartenieff Movement Analyst (CMA). She has taught Klein Technique to dancers and non-dancers for many years. She is intrigued by the concept of connectivity in its broadest sense and has witnessed it being embodied and changing lives many times. In addition to teaching Hanna works as a choreographer as well as a facilitator for contemporary dance in schools. She recently received her MA in Choreography from the Amsterdamse Hoogescholen for de Kunsten.

Dates & place

March 18 with Christine Mauch & Dino
April 15 with Nina Spiri & Dino
Mai 13 with Alicia Grant & Dino
June 17 with Hanna Hegenscheidt & Dino
July 8 with tba & Dino

Each Sunday from 11am – 5pm (incl. lunch break)
Zentrum für Alexander-Technik, Auguststraße 65, 10117 Berlin

One day 100-65 € We think 100 Euro is an appropriate price knowing that some people can’t afford it. Pay as you can – no questions asked.
Five days 500-300 €

We take a maximum of 8 participants per event


[email protected]


***deutsche Ausschreibung weiter unten***

Moving Water
Between Motion & Stillness
CI Workshop with Marielle Gerke & Dino Spiri
April 20-22, Berlin

This workshop offers the possibility to combine two days of studio time with one day of working in water.

We will play with and explore various qualities and technical aspects of CI that enrich our dance. Pre- and postnatal develop- mental movement patterns teach us about our bodies’ organisation and exemplary pathways allow us to look at concrete material to learn CI technique. The day in the water opens a different perception of movement, of ourselves and each other in contact – this adds possibilities to our understanding of the moving body.

Bodywork in water and in the studio serves as a preparation for focussed, juicy and playful dances.

Previous experiences in Water Dance or Contact Improvisation are helpful but no must.

Workshop languages will be German or English, as needed.

The day ticket for the pool costs 29,50 Euro per person and is not included in the WS fee! Please bring your own bathing suit, towel, goggles and nose clip. For the studio bring clothes to comfortably move in and kneepads.


Dieser Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit, Bewegungsexplorationen im Tanzstudio mit einem Tag Wasserarbeit zu kombinieren.

Dabei werden wir “Gewicht” als Sinneseindruck erkunden und damit spielen sowie mit Qualitäten des Einfaltens und Ausdehnens, mit Manipulation und Kommunikation, Struktur und Fluss. Durch Bewegung und Berührung werden wir unseren eigenen Körper und andere Körper erfahren sowie unsere jeweilige Umgebung. Durch das Erforschen von Elementen aus der frühkindlichen Bewegungsentwicklung und beispielhaften Bewegungsabfolgen erhalten wir wertvolle Informationen über die Organisation unseres Körpers – Qualitäten und technische Fähigkeiten, die unseren Tanz bereichern. Der Tag im Wasser eröffnet uns neue Möglichkeiten der Wahrnehmung von Bewegung, der Eigen- und Fremdwahrnehmung und birgt das Potenzial, ein tiefergehendes Verständnis für die bewegten Körper zu erhalten. Körperarbeit im Studio und im Wasser dient uns als Vorbereitung für fokussierte, geschmeidige und verspielte Tänze. 

Vorerfahrungen im Bereich Wassertanz und/oder Contact Improvisation sind hilfreich, aber kein Muss.

Workshop-Sprachen sind Deutsch oder Englisch – abhängig von den Bedürfnissen der TN.

Das Tagesticket für das Schwimmbad kostet 29,50 Euro und ist NICHT in der Workshopgebühr enthalten. Bitte bringe Deine eigene Schwimmkleidung mit sowie Handtücher, Schwimmbrille und Nasenklammern. Für die Studiozeit bringe bequeme Tanzkleidung und Knieschoner mit.


Times & places
Friday, April 20 * 6-9pm @laborgras, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44A, 10999 Berlin
Saturday, April 21 * 11am-5pm @Liquidrom, Möckernstraße 10, 10963 Berlin
Sunday, April 22 * 10.30am-4.30pm (incl. lunch break) @Studio2, Mime Centrum im Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Support price 140 Euro
Fair price 120 Euro
Tight-budget-price 100 Euro
(Entrance fee pool – 29,50 Euro

We will be giving support to find affordable accommodation if needed

Info and registration
[email protected]
[email protected]

Marielle & Dino
know each other since many years and share a friendship and their passion for Contact Improvisation. Their similar understanding of teaching provides a strong base for finding a good portion of satisfaction and fun in practicing CI!

kennen sich seit vielen Jahren und verbindet eine Freundschaft sowie ihre Leidenschaft für die Contact Improvisation. Ihr ähnliches Verständnis für das Unterrichten der Form schafft eine solide Grundlage für freudvolle und erfüllende Tänze.

Marielle Gerke
is born in Berlin, living in Witzenhausen near Kassel since 2010. There she discovered her passion for dancing – especially for Contact Improvisation in 2012. Since then she is continuously fascinated by this unique and exciting dance form. She loves the playfulness that lays in it and the diversity of movement options that become available when moving together with shared weight. For her is remarkable how clear nonverbal communication can become if both dance partners allow their bodies to truly fall into each other while listening to the proposed directions of movement under the skin. In her practice as a dancer and teacher the exploration of developmental movement patterns, principles of leading and following over the soft tissues of the body and water work are very useful and exciting. She is interested in exploring anatomical structures in hands on work and while dancing.

Teachers that she feels inspired by are mainly Jörg Hassmann and Daniel Werner, but also Kira Kirsch, Frey Faust, Bernd Knappe, Christoph Schütz, Roland Nordeck and her colleague Katja-Bahini Mangold. She has been studying with Jörg Hassmann and Daniel Werner in their Basic Training Programme in Tanzfabrik in Berlin for three years – one as participant and two as assistant. Since 2012 she organises the weekly Contact Impro Jam in Witzenhausen together with Katja-Bahini Mangold. Marielle teaches Contact Improvisation since 2015 in regular evening classes, different workshop-formats and on various Contact Impro festivals in Germany and Austria. Since 2016 she is also teaching in the school for contemporary dance Sozo visions in motion in Kassel and is involved in a couple of different performance projects. She started to investigate the Axis Syllabus Movement and Body-Mind-Centering more closely which she would like to continue and deepen in the future.

erforscht Contact Improvisation als Tanzform seit 2012. Sie mag die Verspieltheit, die darin liegt, und die Vielfalt von Bewegungsmöglichkeiten, die sich ergeben, wenn beide TanzpartnerInnen Gewicht miteinander teilen. Marielle lebt und teilt ihre Leidenschaft für die Contact Improvisation als Lehrerin, Performerin und Organisatorin von vielfältigen Veranstaltungen rund um die Form. Sie fühlt sich beeinflusst und inspiriert durch ihre Begegnungen mit Body-Mind-Centering, Axis Syllabus und Bewegungs- und Berührungsexplorationen im Wasser.

Dino Spiri

is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique and since eight years deeply involved in practicing and teaching various disciplines of movement and touch. His work is strongly rooted in practices like Klein Technique, BMC, AT and Vipassana meditation and aims to create a bedding for meeting oneself and each other.

ist zertifizierter Lehrer der Alexander-Technik und seit acht Jahren intensiv dabei, verschiedene Bewegungs- und Berührungsansätze zu praktizieren und zu unterrichten. Seine Arbeit hat ihre Wurzeln in Ansätzen wie Klein Technik, Body-Mind-Centering, Alexander-Technik und Vipassana Meditation und zielt darauf ab, eine Grundlage zu schaffen, sich selbst und anderen authentisch zu begegnen.

***english description below***

Touch moves!
8x Hands On Practice & Contact Improvisation / 6 February – 27 March 2018
mit Dino Spiri


Ich liebe es einen sich bewegenden Körper mit meinen Händen zu begleiten. Die Hände sind präzise Instrumente, die sowohl Information geben als auch erspüren können. Für diese Workshopserie interessiert mich besonders wie wir Qualitäten, die wir in erster Linie über Berührung mit unseren Händen vermitteln in Contact Situationen nutzen können und wie dies unseren Tanz beeinflusst. Die wunderbar nährenden Begleiterscheinungen der Hands On arbeit gibt’s gratis dazu.

Ein spezieller Fokus soll auf dem berühmt berüchtigten Non-Doing-Touch der Alexander-Technik liegen. Die Qualität dieser Berührung kann sehr ‘simpel’ mit Dasein in Berührung durch Dasein mit sich selbst beschrieben werden. Es ist ein Ausgangspunkt, der ein besonderes Fundament für Kommunikation durch Berührung legt – wie ein Gespräch mit Zuhören zu beginnen anstatt mit Sprechen, ein sich Einlassen darauf, was im Kontakt geschehen möchte.

Wir werden verschiedenste Berührungs- und Bewegungsqualitäten durch Bodywork und Hands On Szenarien ausprobieren – und diese natürlich in unseren Contact Tanz einfließen lassen. Contact Technik ist selbstverständlicher Teil des Unterrichts.

Vorerfahrung in CI ist hilfreich, Beginner*innen sind sehr herzlich willkommen.
Unterrichtssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch.

I really love accompanying a moving body with my hands. There’s so much to sense, communicate and wonder about. The hands are very precise instruments that can read and give a lot of information. For this series I’m particularly interested in how we can translate qualities of touch that we can induce and communicate through our hands into Contact situations and how this will influence the dance. A nice side effect of course is that receiving Hands On has a very nourishing effect.

A particular focus will be on the infamous Alexander- or Non-Doing Touch. This quality of touch can be described as ‚just’ being there, being present with my partner through being present with myself. An amazing place to start from – a gateway for communication is being established that can now be fed with ideas and directions. It is like beginning a conversation with actually listening rather than talking, it is softening into what’s there between you and your partner.

We will dive into exploring different qualities of touch and movement through body work and hands on scenarios – subsequently bringing them into Contact situations. Contact technique will be part of the classes.

Some experience in CI is suggested to attend this course but beginners are very welcome!
Teaching language German and English, as needed.

When & where
6 February – 27 March 2018
8 classes every Tuesday from 8-10pm

Studio 58, Karl-Marx-Str. 58, Berlin-Neukölln

110-75 Euro for the whole series, as you can
15 Euro for single class, drop in

Ich empfehle den kompletten Kurs zu buchen, da die einzelnen Klassen aufeinander aufbauen.
I strongly recommend to book the whole series as the classes build on each other.

[email protected]


I am happy to be invited again to teach at the New Years Contact Improvisation Festival Berlin 2017/18

Contact Improvisation, Somatic Practices, Watercontact, Bodywork & Yoga

with Naama Ityel, Michael Shapira, Mario Ghezzi , Nadja Schwarzenbach, Daniel Werner, Jörg Hassmann, Dino Spiri, Marielle Gerke, Mireia Aragones, Sophia Frick, Samuli Lehesaari, Zuza Bukowski and more.
Music with Florian Betz and his team.

Organic, vegetarian food by our faboulus chef Inga Striezel.

Join us for a New Year´s celebration in Berlin, were we bring together community to dance, share and play!

Through dance, body awareness practices and sharing ourselves with others, we reconnect with our light and welcome the new year with vitality and joy

Registration and Info

Unter dem Titel  “December Island” geht es uns um ein geräumiges Ankommen bei sich selbst und einem stimmigen Bezug zu unserer Umgebung.
Mit Stille, Bewegung und Berührung und einer möglichst aufrichtigen Auseinandersetzung damit, was uns im Moment bewegt und erreicht, erkunden wir uns durch diesen Tag.

December Island
Space Through Movement & Touch


With Christine Mauch & Dino Spiri

December Island provides an opportunity to meet, communicate, learn, and play through movement and touch.
Exploring the infinite variety of qualities, tastes, and dimensions of states opens spaces for an honest meeting of what is moving us at that moment.

We will take time for unraveling a comfortable place in our own bodies and offer suggestions that guide us into touch and movement. Contact Improvisation will be on the menu as well.

This workshop is open for anyone who likes to engage in the simple yet vast discovery of possible action in movement and stillness.

When & where
9 December
11am-5pm (incl. lunchbreak)

Studio 2 Mime Centrum Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien
Mariannenpl. 2, 10997 Berlin

95-70 Euro, as you can

[email protected]

Qualities of Touch #2 – Swimming under the skin
Revealing well-being through touch and movement

Touching someone is so simple and so incredibly complex. We are constantly negotiating a give and take, proposing actions, listening to and acting on invitations. What inspires engagement and makes me want to invest in contact and movement? How can I foster my own curiosity? We will use the Alexander Touch and the principles of the Technique as a base for our explorations around touch and movement as they offer a beautiful gateway into discovering a world that lies in between overdoing and passivity. Finding answers becomes secondary as we practice to ride arising questions!

Each session is dedicated to a specific quality of touch that we dive into and explore.

::: For whom
Anybody who would like to explore touch and small movement in an intimate setting and under qualified guidance.
Professional bodyworkers who are interested in new ideas and inspiration for their own practice.

::: Susanne & Dino

are certified teachers of the Alexander Technique and share their passion to support, reconnect and ground yourself in your body, and therefore in your life. Susanne’s work is rich and multidimensional. Formed through twenty years of study and ten years of teaching the Alexander Technique, her practice also draws on her training as a Gestalt therapist and a background as a sound artist / professional musician. Dino is since eight years deeply involved in practising and teaching various disciplines of movement and touch. His approach to teaching is strongly rooted in somatic practices (Klein Technique, BMC, AT and Vipassana meditation) and aims to create a bedding for meeting oneself and each other.

::: Date & place
November 16, 2017
Zentrum für Alexander-Technik, Auguststraße 65, 10117 Berlin

::: Price
Sliding scale: 80-60 €
Pay as you can

We take a maximum of 8 participants

::: Registration
[email protected]
[email protected]